Tuesday 3 April 2012

Three Is Greater Than

Have any of you ever used <3 to say love?  I was just looking at it and thinking of the meaning of numbers.  I was also just doing math before thinking this, so it was all fresh in my head. 

Three is the number of God.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Three.

And then there is the greather than sign just before the three.  Logically (which is apperantly what math is), this little figure means blank is less than three.  Or, reading backwards, three is greater than blank.

Replace three with God.  God is greater than (insert whatever thing you can think of right here).

Pretty cool, huh?

And it's the symbol for love as well.  When I realized that I just sat there and went, "Huh!  Imagine that!"

Well, that's all I had to say.  Except that I will be posting more.  Hopefully.

See y'all 'round!

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