Saturday 26 March 2011


I have a few limmericks:

Upon one sunny Spring day,
I was walking the beach at the bay.
I admired the veiw,
And wished you were here too,
Upon this sunny Spring day.

I once had a really big goat,
From whom growls came from his throat.
I asked him why the was so,
He said he didn't know,
Why these noises would trouble an old goat.

Once in the town of Grotlow,
Was a boy; the biggest klutz that we know.
Once he tripped on a pear,
Rolled into town square,
Where he banged into someone's new hoe.

So what you think?

Friday 25 March 2011


So today I went shopping!  Fun right?  Not really.  For one, I'm not a huge fan of shopping (I told you I'm not your normal girl, :p)
For another thing, my mom and I have different ideas of 'cute'.  I REALLY needed new sheos, as in, my old ones were literally falling apart!  So we're in Payless and mom points at these rather hideous tan shoes and says that they're kinda cute.  I'm thinking, "no they are NOT!".  A few other shoes that are nicer she thinks I'd like and I look at them and think, "They're nice.  I wouldn't wear them, but they're nice."  *sigh*  I can almost never find nice shoes in my size.  It comes with my grand height, you know? 

Then we go the Bluenotes and look for shirts for me.  I also really need shirts cause before I only had about three tanks and two zip up hoodies, which is enough to rotate every week.  There I found three more tanks, a hoodie, and a dressy type shirt. 

After that we browsed Bootlegger, but nothing there caught my eye.  I think that soon I might get some nice bracelts to wear instead of just some hair goodies. 

Well, that was my adventure in 'the city'.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Daddy Extrodinare

My dad is lots of things.  He is a father, a husband, farmer, sort of a scientist, an engineer, kinda a rancher, a buisuness owner, coach, good driver, a deacon, a friend to many, a mentor, a neibour, a Christian, and a firm believer that the last letter of the English alphabet is pronounced "Zed".  My dad works nearly all day at our farm, then drives an hour or so many days of the week to take my little brother to baseball.  He works on holidays and Sundays to grow the food that you eat.  In his spare time, he either experiments with things around the house and farm or teases me and my siblings (I tease him right back:D)  On the nights we ship out our chickens, he is working non-stop from 9:00 PM to 1-3:00 AM.  But his wrk doesn't stop there.  MY dad is up a little later the next morning and is cleaning the barns out.  Then comes a 1-1/12 week period between cycles.  Only half of this is actually able to do things he wants to do.  He has to fix things around our property.  In late-ish fall he is out cultivateing the fields and planting vast acres of crops (yes, crops ARE planted before winter!),   In the spring he's out spraying for weds.  In late summer/early fall he is out in the fields for hours on end harvesting crops in a combine that has air conditioning, a tape player and a radio.  But even then that's not all my daddy does.  He built a dump truck box from scratch.  A few years later, he converted it into a manure spreader.  He built a flipy-thing for my horse's feeder she couldn't waste hay by tossing it out.  He built a no-mess feeder for the cows too.  At baseball practices, there are these 'L' shaped screen things that people pitch over for some reason that escapes me, :p.  My dad built one out of metal pipes, fishing net and, of course, hay string.  My dad has taught me much, from how to pound a nail without hitting myself, to how to work out solutions to problems using only the building materials on hand (I figured out how to make horse jumps using 2x4s or 6s, fence posts, and PVC pipes).  My dad is amazing and I figured I needed to have a whole post for just him to say so :)

Monday 21 March 2011

Dad's and Really Dark Chocolate

So today after lunch (we had nachos if you were wondering, which you probably weren't) my mom brought out some REALLY dark chocolate that she and my dad had been given.  She also brought out some Dad's cookies because she didn't' think my siblings and I would like it.  Mom and Dad had already tried it and didn't really like it.  I tried some of it and then took a bite of my too-sweet cookie after tasting how bitter the choco was.  The two deserts kinda balanced each other out so that the dark choco was a nice darkness.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE dark chocolate, but when the choco is 99% coco, it's just a wee bit much, lol.  But it was rather good when mixed with a bit of cookie.  My comment on the choco was "99% chocolate would be good if there was a little more sugar."  I love saying things like that, lol.  And ya, that's my random post of the day.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Story anyone?

Here's a small part of a story I've been writing.

Dear Diary,
This afternoon I was riding the bus on my way to my dad's work office to bring him lunch. In the sea across from me, an enormously overweight man with dark bushy eyebrows was talking into a little blue cell phone. He had a deep, husky voice. "Yes, of course. I have it right here with me... Er, not exactly. I'll bring them tonight... Sounds good... I love you too, Grandma," Then the big man looked at me, and I realized I had been staring at him. He hung up on his grandma, and glared at me. "What are you looking at, kid?" he growled. On a sudden impulse, it seemed, he patted his pockets and looked around him. "Where... ? You! Give me back my cookies!!!"  Of course, I recognized the man's code.  Now I just had to do my part and get us both kicked off the bus.
“Idiot,” I snarled at him, “Do you really think I’d be so stupid as to swipe cookies off of the likes of you?  They’d probably be contaminated with your filth!”  The man did smell bad, Diary, he really did.  Okay, this is gonna get annoying, having to write as if I'm talking to you, so I'm just gonna write it as a story from now on.  Hope you don't mind Diary.... Anyways....  Then the guy growled at me and made as if to attack me.  Of course, knowing this was coming, I was prepared.  The bus driver had pulled over and was trying to stop the guy.  Unfortunately for the driver, it was too late.  The greasy stranger had already thrown a punch at me.  I removed a small packet from my pocket as his fist collided gently with my nose.  My own hands flew up and squeezed the small packet.  It burst, sending red liquid everywhere, just like a bloody nose.  I screamed and let loose the fury of my fists on him.  I was pulled off him and I fought my new enemies as the stranger was pulled off the bus.  I struggled and lunged for the bus door, just making it out as the others grasped for me again.  It was pretty fun Diary, and I had a hard time looking angry during this.
I now ran after the nasty man and disappeared around the corner.  There was the guy, removing his wig and replacing his tattered coat with a clean, whole one.  He had also removed the padding that is most commonly used for the guys who play Santa in malls.  Now, the guy turned to me.
“Did you get it?” he asked. 
I nodded.  “It was right where it was supposed to be.”
“Good.  Now let’s get going. We can’t stick around here much longer.  That stunt we had to pull blew our cover.”
Ok,” I replied, “I’ll just call my... ahem.... *friend* and have him pick us up out of town.”
We started walking out of town.  
“You know, I’ve never met this friend of yours, how do you know he or she will keep the secret?”
I glared at him. “You should know by now to trust me in this.  My friend is perfectly trustworthy, he’ll keep the secret, which I’ve hidden in my coat pocket.”
The guy shrugged.  Then he glanced to his right.  “Hey Sara, you sure this is the right way?  It seems we just entered Suburban-Land.”
“Relax Jake.  I know what I’m doing.”
“You sure?  You know what happened in Ohio...”
I whipped around to him.  “So I took a wrong turn there that nearly got us killed.  You don’t have to keep bringing it up!  And this town is practically next door to my hometown.  I.  Known.  Where.  I’m.  Going.”  I whirled back around and marched down the street, causing Jake to have to jog to catch up.  Soon Suburban-Land ended abruptly and acres upon acres of land stretched out before us.  We wandered in an aimless fashion over the field to a bushy area.  I let out a shrill whistle.  Jake covered his ears.
“Ow!  How many times do I have to ask you to warn me before you do that?!”
I ignored him as I scanned the sky.  A large bird shape soon hovered above the bushes.  Suddenly, It dove right at us, growing larger than any normal bird of prey.  The bushes were just big enough to cover the grandeur of the beast.  I turned to Jake.
“Meet Klypton, the friend I told you about.”

Saturday 19 March 2011


Have you ever heard the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed"?  Actually, I'm not sure if that is an actual saying, lol.  Anyways, would you please pray for my friends?  One girl had a liver transplant in Nov, another was diagnosed with cancer in ... um... I think it was Nov. as well.  And yet another friend is having serious difficulty breathing and is in the hospital.  Please pray that they will know that God is with them and will never let them go.  That they will find peace in knowing that God is in control and that He will never, Never leave them!  Please pray for their families as well, this is a very difficult time for them.

Friday 18 March 2011


There's a spider on the wall above me! *screams*  Get it  away!  Get it away!  I'm not a huge fan of spiders.... or rats and mice... or snakes, especially snakes.  *shudders again*  Snakes creep me out.  I've had night mares where I've been stuck in a hamster cage and the floor of the cage is covered in the writhing masses.  And then I got an email about this poisonous snake that crawled into some lady's computer and died there when she turned the computer on.  I immediately pulled my feet off the floor at that one. lol.  oooo, the spider moved down the wall and is at head level!!  Please excuse me while is flush it....

Okay, so I didn't actually flush it.  As I was going to get some TP, I mentioned it to my mom and she grabbed fly swatter and swatted it for me.  Problem solved, lol.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


So today I took my puppies out for a walk/bathroom break.  We had... this little smow fort with a piece of plywood for a roof.  It had one entrance, but we cared another on the other side.  Well, the puppies loved it.  They raced in and out of it and played 'defend my den' for at least 45 min.  they are so cute!

Monday 14 March 2011


The girl sees gray, cloudy sky with huge, rugged mountains that are dotted with patches of unmelted snow.  A row of tall evergreens stands between the girl and the mountains.  Between the trees and the mountains there is a layer of thick white fog swirling halfway up the mountain that creates the perfect backdrop for the trees.  The girl looks out over the beautiful scene.  Her eyes take in the snowy fields that lead up the picture perfect arrangement.  The girl thanks her Creator for this marvellous world.
This is what I see from my back door.  I love where I live.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Hey Peeps!

So this is my first time ever doing a blog.  I hope to make this thing acctually interest people, lol.  So I'll post more later.