Friday 12 August 2011

Catching up

I think I should actualy post a few things once in a while, don't you?

Well, since my last post, several tings have happened.

My dad died.

I had my last drama performance with my drama club.  And my drama club closed.

My brother graduated.

My little brother's baseball is over (finally!).

My uncle M came for a visit with his kids.  Morgan went home after spending one night.  Steff went back to collage after spending a night.  Then the next day we found out that Morgan was in the hospital.  The cause? Attempted suicide.  Please pray for him.  My uncle thought my sense of humor was great.  He loved my one liners that I just shoot off.

My grandma M came for a visit as well.  As did my uncle J.  And my uncle L and aunt MS and their two boys.

My mom's friend K came for a visit as well.  We floated down a river on tubes for fun while she was here and also went riding tenasee walking horses.  Fun!  The river was freezing and my horse was short and just being trained.

I'm taking riding lessons again. (finally).  Rosie will now canter both leads pretty well on a circle that's about, oh, say, thirty feet diameter?  Good for her!  She'll also do turns on the forehand either way, we tried getting her to do the two-track but failed.  And now we're teaching her to do turns on the haunches.  She'll also run around on the lunge line both ways, even at a canter. 

Two lessons ago, I almost fainted.  I had a belly ache prior to the lesson and then it sort of went away, but so did my vision, hearing, and sense of direction.  Needless to say, that lesson was canceled.

I've been playing around with photoshop (I call it PS.  Do not mistake with PlayStaion).  I'm getting better each time and my most recent project is a pegesus.  He's supposed to be Artham P. Wingfeather from the Wingfeather Saga in horse form when I'm done.

I watched the Jurassic Park movies.

I wrote several poems that turned out decently, if I do say so myself.

I came up with most of the main plot line for a book.

I read about fifty books.

I still havn't finished science.

I took a Spanish course.  Learned a lot and can now sort of reconize several phrases when they're spoken to me.

The wheat fields are harvested. (yay!  Easier to ride Rosie in now)

I've quit feeding Rosie hay because she needs to slim down a bit and there is PLENTY of grass for her to eat since she is the only four legged beast in the pasture.

The pups have grown and are now nine months old and still very cute.

The lawn is turning brown since we can't really water it since we're on water restriction, just like any summer.  Other years have been worse.  Once we could only water between certain hours on certain days.  Otherwise people WAY down the pipeline will have nary a trickle of water.  The pipe system was not well thought out.

I've babysat a ton.  Six kids at once for several hours once.  Earned enough money to buy a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet to aid me with my art.

I'm going to turn the things I do with PS into a class for school and get credits for it.  Same with having Rosie.  I'm taking Western Rider 1 this year and getting credits for that.

I feel a little spoiled since my mom bought me TWO pairs of LuluLemon pants.  So comfy!!

And I think that's it.  Expect most of my posts to be like this.  I kinda forget I have a blog sometimes. :p

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