Wednesday 18 January 2012


Last night I went shopping for artsy things.  Most specifically, scrapbook paper (for cardmaking) and acrylic blocks (to put my new clear acrilic stamps on and so I don't have to borrow my mother's).  Oh yes.  And possibly some nice thick yarn to use with my stick weaving kit my older brother got me for Christmas.  Well, after our breif trip to Michael's, where we sepnt only just over an hour, I came out with a couple sheets of paper, a bag of black and white buttons of various sizes, a few interesting beads, and some new drawing supplies that I hope are good quality.  I really have no clue about those things. 

I spent about half an hour in the bead isle.  I should have watched the time more carefully because I hardly had time to grab a few sheets of paper later.

Then I saw the bag of buttons and grabbed one.  I've been needing black and white buttons of varying sizes.  I use them for eyes on my sock critters.

Then I noticed I was right by the pads of drawing paper so I decided to look for pencils and things.  I normally draw with your average mechanical pencils or those yellow things kids get for school.  I wanted something nicer.  And I probably did get something nicer.  I now have four new woodless graphite pencils that I will experiment with after school.  I also decided to get some coloured pencils.  So now I have a twelve pack of woodless coloured pencils.  How nice.  I just need to try them out now!

I was flabbergasted at the prices for one brand of pencils.  It was right about two dollars per pencil!  There were these huge packs for that brand (Prisimcolour, I think) that had 120 pencils.  *Jaw drop*  I'd LOVE to have that pack!  And maybe I'll get them after getting what I am currently saving up for.

"And what is that?" you ask.

It is a Cannon EOS Rebel T3i camera.  And it's taking me forever to save up for.  Mainly because the only money I earn is babysitting money.  *sigh*  But it's going to be wonderful when I do get it!  I have a wee little Cannon point-and-shoot type thing.  It's pink.  And black.  Need I say that it's time to get rid of having a pink camera as my main camera?  I've decided it's time for a good camera.  One that you can change the lenses on.  And one that has a veiwing screen that flips out away from the camera and rotates.  (Yay!)  It's going to be cool.

Anyways, folks, that's my latest (and not exactly greatest) adventure!  Stay tuned (or ignore me compleatly, it doesn't really matter) for my next post!


  1. Ooh, I was planning to buy a Canon T3 a few weeks ago but then something came up and I decided I should save the money for later. Oh well... I hope you get yours soon!

  2. Hope you can get one sometime!
    It'll likely be a while (at least six months) before I get mine. The price is high and my savings are low. But it's gonna be great when I do get it!
