Monday 30 January 2012

What else would I talk about....

except for youth group?  My otherwise non-existant social life?

But here is the updates on what I've been doing!  Mainly youth group.  (You seein' a pattern here?)

Well, my most recent awkward moment would have to be youth group. Have I mentioned before that I've been rather ditzy lately?  I don't think so.  But I have.  Take my word for it.

We played Cat and Mouse at youth. Everyone grabbed a partner and linked one arm. Then the links formed a circle, with one pair standing out. One person of the excluded pair had to run from the other person. The person being chased could link arms with the free arm of a pair. Then the person of the original pair who didn't get someone linking onto them would have to let go and evade the cat. If they were tagged by the cat, they would have to tag the former cat, who was now a mouse, before the mouse linked with someone.

After a minute, I was the mouse. I scurried around, as much as a nearly six foot tall girl can scurry, and evaded the cat for a while, trying to get away long enough to link up. I was tagged and dashed after my quarry, who had stupidly, it seemed, turned and faced me. I tagged him on a shoulder, looked at him, then wondered why he didn't move. Then I realized he had linked and that the new mouse was wondering who was it. I merely pretended I had lost sight of who was mouse and tried not to look too stupid. That was slightly embarressing.

And we played Hug Fest, where Cory, our leader, stood off to the side and made us walk around with our eyes closed. When he called a number we would open our eyes and form hugging groups of the number he called. Can you just see the awkwardness oozing through this crowd of 12 highschoolers? And can you see the awkwardness even further when Cory called out 'two' and the only person within my range was a guy? (Theresa does not mix too well with guys) And can you imagine how I felt knowing that this guy has a girlfriend? (Theresa is also not a girl to go around hugging other girl's boyfriends) I found that game very awkward indeed.

We also played a rather violent game too. In this game you had to balence upon a single foot. The object of this game was to simply knock your opponant over or off balence them enough to make them stick a foot down.

We all paired up again. I was with a short(er) girl who I was pretty sure was named Nikki. The first pair went and the winner went to a little table in the corner of the room. Then the next two pairs did so. And at my turn I merely turned and pushed Nikki backwards and sideway at her shoulders to win my match. Then the others went, the guys doing elaborate moves that flipped the other guy over.  Except for Cam.  It was funny how neat and tidly he pushed his opponant over.  He simply grabbed Talon's shoulders, pushed him back sharply to get him off balence, then jerked him forward.  Talon just tipped over before he realized what had happened.  Several people missed it because it happened so fast.

Once everyone had gone, Cory paired us winners up so we could battle again. I was with Adi this time. She's the twin of Cam. She was harder than Nikki, but I beat her, much to the teasing of her brother. I returned to the little table and waited for the rest of them to finish.

When they did, there were three winners left. Cory wondered how we had ended up with an uneven number. We all clammered to explain that twelve would never divide to and even number in the end. Cory shushed us and told us all to go at once. I was up against Adi's twin, Cam, and Bryce. They were both pretty big guys (over my height and Bryce is stocky) and both farm kids, so I stayed off to the side as they battled each other. With chairs, no less. Cam won, sending Bryce sprawling on his right side. Then Cam turned for me. I knew I had little chance of beating this guy, so I just charged.

You should know I'm competitive due to having two brothers. And you should also know I was the only girl who really tried to win.

So I charged him, hopping along on my right foot. He also charged me, though much less aggressivly than he did with the guys. I was very apperciative of that fact, and also the fact that he had sometime dropped the chair. Of course, he didn't need aggression or a chair with me. I last about thirty seconds, until he kinda whirled/threw me away from him and I almost kept my balence but needed to stick a foot down.

I also think I supprised him in our duel because I seemed to almost knock him over.

Now, that was two weeks ago.  Last week was Clue night.  And on Friday instead of Thursday.  If my little brother hadn't been so tired from his baseball practice (they're doing conditioning, which involves about an hour of running and more time doing pushups and core strengthening exercises that leave him pretty tired and ravenous) he would have come.  As it was, my cousin An was skiing, so I had to go alone. 

For Clue night, we were playing a gaint game of Clue.  There were six characters, six weapons, and six rooms.  The hippie was in the sanctuary with the flower, the old man had a cane in the youth room, the clown had a rubber chicken in the downstairs kitchen, the angel had a sword in the upstairs kitchen, the scientist had poisen in the nursery, and the Mexican had maracas in the library.

To get rooms, characters, and weapons crossed off our lists, we had to answer riddles.  Each character had six riddles.  Only one person at a time was allowed to guess at the riddles.  Every try we had at answering a riddle lasted two minutes, or more if the person forget to time it.  After we had tried three times for one riddle we were given the answers, no matter if we had guessed it or not.

At the end, we all piled back into the sanctuary to see if anyone had the results.  One girl and one guy both were close in their guess, then they both shouted out the answer at the same time.  The girl really got it, but our leader just said they had tied to make it easier.  There were also three prizes to be given out, and each of those two got one.  Then there was one prize left.  We were asked to put up a hand if we had narrowed at least one thing down to only one item.  I put up a hand, the guy and the girl who had already won put up their hands, and one other guy put up a hand.  Then we were asked if anyone had gotten more than one thig narrowed down to one thing left.  Everyone stuck their hand down.  Then the other guy and I were asked to count the riddles we had guessed without being given the answer.  I counted fifteen, he counted ten.  I won the prize.

But Cory, being Cory, had forgotten the prizes at home!  He's going to hand them out this week.  I bet the prizes are McDonald's gift cards.  Prizes have been that before.

Well, so long and fare thee well!  Enjoy your day and may God bless you in your work!

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